In this assignment we learned about camera movement. Camera movement is a filmmaking technique that causes a change in frame or perspective through the movement of the camera. Camera movement allows cinematographers and directors to shift the audience's view without cutting. Specific types of camera movements in film also can create a psychological and emotional effect on the audience.
The director is responsible for camera movement in production.
Director: Steven Spieblerg
The Fabemans
In ET on my of my favorite/ most famous scenes is when ET and Elliot touches fingers when they were in the hospital.In this scene they used the Dolly In shot.
Director: James Cameron
The Terminator
In the Titanic one of my favorite scene was when the boat started to emerge/sink under the water. In this scene the director used a tilt shot.
Some camera movement techniques that I already knew before completing this assignment is the Zoom In and Zoom Out. I could recognize the zoom in shot because it focused on subject/ character in the frame to grab the audiences attention. The other camera movement I could recognize is the zoom out shot when the director pulled the camera away from a smaller subject because he wants the audience to focus on a bigger subject.
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